24 Mar 2020

Wow - what a time to be alive!
Thank you all so much for your support during these tricky times. Thank you to those who have kept their students home. We will be operating with reduced staff on site, and very much appreciate everyone's efforts in following the Premier's directive to keep children at home if you are able. As a safety precaution, you will still receive a text message if your child is marked absent at school, however, there is no need for you to respond to this. All children who are away will be marked as "justified" for the time being.
We are all on such a big learning curve as many parents all of a sudden have to adjust to supporting their children to learn from home, and teachers adapt to their new roles facilitating online and distance learning. Children are watching the world around them change suddenly and dramatically and we are all figuring out how to adapt to a world that is vastly different from anything we have likely imagined.
The important thing to remember is that we are all in this together. We are here to support families and we greatly appreciate the many messages of support that we have received from our families. Whatever happens, lets keep being here for each other!
Update on home learning resources:
Firstly, we want to say please be kind to yourselves - you are doing an amazing job under trying circumstances. As school work begins coming your way, please do not let it become a source of stress and anxiety in your home. Your and your children's mental health will always be paramount.
Our staff have been working hard to prepare a learning package for every student. These will be ready for distribution over the next few days, and we will soon let you know when and how they can be collected.
Once again, please do not be overwhelmed by these. Help your child approach them at a pace that works for them and you. Remember that learning opportunities also exist in the every day - activities like cooking, gardening, reading together and playing are all valuable and can help children feel calm and grounded in uncertain times.
Thank you, and take care.